CPAD Newsletter (June 2013)
30 July 2013
GFCBWSCC Community Support - “2013 Celebration with Family with Special Needs”
July 13, 2013, Saturday, 11:00am - 2pm
Event is sponsored by: Global Federation of California Business Woman (Southern California Chapter). Co-Sponsor: CPAD/Taiwan Academy Los Angeles. Purpose of the event is to support CPAD to raise funds to build CPAD “Activity Center” (Please see GFCBWSCC Event Flyer).
Right after "2013 Celebration with Family with Special Needs Kids" party, there will be a short presentation about "Self-Advocacy." Parents who are interested on the subject, please stay or come around 2 pm.
Presented by: Dr. Barbara Wheeler
CPAD Orange County Chapter - Parent Support Meeting
August 20, 2013, Saturday, 2 pm - 4 pm
Speaker, Dr. Yih-Jia Chang graduated with her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She has extensive expence in marriage counseling, parenting isuesdepression and anxiety.
CPAD Corner (June 2013)
30 June 2013
CPAD Community Parent Resource Center - Region 6 Annual Meeting
Region 6 Parent Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) Annual Meeting - meeting was held at Los Angeles Crowne Plaza Hotel, California, from May 7 to May 9, and hosted by Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center, in collaboration with local Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs): Fiesta Educativa and Chinese Parents Association for the Disabled (CPAD), and Parent Training and Information Center (PTI): Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK). CPAD Acting President, Vanda Yung presented an elaborate slide show about CPAD, which include CPAD Saturday programs, community outreach, and performance for charity events, etc. The presentation purports to demonstrate CPAD’s services and involvements in the community, and also its accomplishments throughout the years.
The meeting was rich in content. It covered the latest reforms in education, PTAC regulations and experiences, effective ways to improve mutual parents support, and a variety of high tech methodologies and consultation websites to assist people with disabilities. It will benefit parents tremendously in the future.
CPAD Orange County Chapter - Parent Support Meeting
CPAD OC Chapter Parent Support Meeting - On 4/20/2013, Saturday, “Estate Planning” workshop speaker, Attoney Jennifer F. Yang had family emergency, she was unable to come to give presentation to parents. OC parent, Angela Shen voluntarily took over the meeting, and shared her personal experience to parents of her family living trust set up. Angela prepared a PowerPoint presentation, explained the profound estate planning, Living Trust, trust terminology, Special Needs Trust, Advance Health Care Directive, how to choose the ideal trustee, planning steps and operation details in simple terms; she also provided 4 samples of living trusts for parents to wrok at home.
CPAD Newsletter (May 2013)
30 April 2013
CPAD Community Parent Resource Center – CPRC Workshops
This movie combines two titles: The 1st title is a testimony about the wonderful happenings on an autistic boy, Louis Wong; and the 2nd one continues to witness God's blessings on Louis Wong and his family, and also the extension of the blessings to many similar families - through Yolanda's training works and her founding of Louis Program Training Course & Centre. Cantonese with Traditional Chinese / English, total 98 minutes). Producer: Goodnews Communication International
CPAD Orange County Chapter - Parent Support Meeting
“May Celebration Party”
Welcome to all CPAD members! Come join with fellow CPAD members for a fun-filled, and relaaxing afternoon to celebrate our mothers and fathers.
CPAD Corner (May 2013)
30 April 2013
CPAD Alhambra Headquarter:
Welcome CPAD new member! - We welcome a new member to the CPAD family, Ms. Karen Chen (photo). she is actively and wholeheartedly involved in many public welfare events; an honorary advisor of the Taiwan Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, and also a nominee of the Global Federation of Chinese Business Women. Ms. Chan is impressed by our efforts to help and serve people with disabilities in the minority group that she has accepted our invitation to become CPAD’s
PR person and honorary advisor.
CPAD welcome new Board of Directors! - On January 12, 2013, CPAD had add three new board members to the board: Mrs. Vanda Yung (CPAD grant writer), Mrs. Linda Lai (CPAD Accountant), and Ms. Mei Wang (Sit-in Board Member, Parent Trainer). All of the new members' spouses are active behind the scene contributors to CPAD: Michael Yung (Creative Audio-Video Technology Class Instructor); Mark Lai (Building Committee); and Xiaogang Wang (Photographer, Poster Orignator, and Media Liaison).
CPAD Orange County Chapter - Parent Workshop
On 3/16/2013, at OC Chapter, Ms. Jacqueline Miller of Disability Rights California gave OC parents a talk in SB946. SB 946, effective July 1, 2012, generally requires health care service plan contracts and health insurance policies to provide coverage for behavioral health treatment for individuals with autism or other pervasive developmental disorders (PDD). Ms. Miller gave us information sheets regarding this bill and explained in detail how it affects families with children diagnosed with autism or PDD.
CPAD Newsletter (March 2013)
10 March 2013
CPAD Community Parent Resource Center – Workshops
Sexuality and the Developmentally Disabled
Place:First Christian Church of Alhambra
Time: Monday, April 22, 2013, 10am -12pm
Speakers: Jackie Dai, Office of Clients' Rights Advocacy for consumers Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center ; Aimee DelgadoOffice of Clients' Rights Advocacy for consumers San Gabriel Pomona Regional Center.
CPAD Orange County Chapter - Parent Support Meeting
SB 946 - Regarding Insurance for ABA
Speaker: Jacqueline Miller, Attorney, Disability Rights California