CPAD Newsletter (October 2011)
29 September 2011
CPAD Fall Semester Saturday Programs - Starts on 10/8/2011
Two New Classes Added:
Exercise Movement and Circle Time, Social Interaction/Behavior
CPAD was pleased to provide our members a wide variety of Saturday programs this year. Remember having fun at the Youth singing club, Dragon Boat competition, winter ski, water ski, Chess tournament, basketball shooting contest, drawing contest, and other events? The participation and strong support by our members speak for how successful these programs were.
Parents are invited to meet on 10/8/2011, at 1:00 pm to go over the plan for Saturday programs and other upcoming events. Two new teacher: Ms. Ingrid Chen and Ms. May Fu will join the teaching group in this Fall semester.
To view Alhambra information, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Newsletter (October 2011)
CPAD - Orange County Chapter - Parent Support Meeting
Living Arrangement for Adult Child
Are you thinking about a different living arrangement for your adult son or daughter? Are you thinking about caring for an adult with a developmental disability in your home? This workshop will give you all the information and answer.
To view OC Chapter information, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Newsletter (OCtober 2011)