CPAD Newsletter (July 2014)
21 July 2014
CPAD Community Resource Center (CPRC) - Parent Support Meeting
Bruce Harrell: Regional Center - Self-Determination
Self-Determination gives people the authority to control the money that is spent on the services they receive. The person will be given an “individualized budget” for the year and can then decide how that money is spent. The law establishes “facilitators” to help the person plan his or her life and stay within their budget. The law also creates a “Fiscal Management Service” (FMS) that acts as the “bank,” holding the funds, paying the people the person hires, doing background checks, and paying required insurance. People who are interested should educate themselves now so they are ready when the time comes....
CPAD Orange County Chapter - Workshop
Regional Center IPP Process and How to Access Services
Come learn about the Regional Center Individual Program Plan (IPP) process and how to access services from Ms. Scarlett VonThenen of Area Board XI. Topics include IPP components, preparation, setting appropriate goals, and RCOC purchase of service guidelines.
To view Alhambra information, please open the following PDF file: CPAD 7-14 Newsletter - CPRC
To view OC information, please open t he following PDF file: CPAD 7-14 Newsletter - OC Chapter