29 September 2011
"Come on Vincent," I told him. "Come on!" He only went to the bike but stood there and looked back at me. "Well," I said to myself, "What now?"
I looked at Vincent. Nice looking kid. But I do not know how to handle a six-year-old autistic kid. In fact, I do not know how to handle any autistic person! I mean, he has not talked for more than half of his life! But I need to stay calm because he is only my little brother. Oh! Why me!
"All right Vincent," I said, "You are going to learn how to ride a bike. Do you understand?" Vincent was looking at other objects than at me. I was not even sure if he was listening.
"Stay," I called out to him. "Stay right there while I get my bike. O.K.?"
He nodded as a response. "O.K. Vincent," I said as I returned.
I started to ride it around him.
"Look Vincent," I said to him, "Look at how I ride my bike. See, I pedal and look forward.
"Now, you try."
Stopping in front of him, I took him back on his bike.
"Vincent, pick up the bike and sit on it." He just stood there again. This was not working. Even since dad took off the training wheels, he has lost interest in riding the bikes. I picked up the bike and convinced him to sit and hold onto the bike by himself.
So far so good. I .started to push him a little to have a head start. But he began tilting after a few feet. I could see that he was really trying hard.
I looked at the sky as I was teaching Vincent. The clouds darkened and it began to sprinkle. We both ignored the yells of my grandma telling us to get in the house. But I kept on giving pushes of confidence and I could see that he was really getting there.
Then all of the sudden, Vincent started to ride circles around me! After the many injuries that he had, his work was worth it! I ran up to him and hugged him. This was a great feeling. We both walked home when we were putting back our bikes. And here he is today, still riding bikes and still the same good kid.
- Jackie Chow