CPAD Corner (October 2013)

CPAD Alhambra Headquarter -

Memorial Service for Beloved President Rachel Chen - On Saturday, August 24th, CPAD held a special heart warming Memorial Service to commemorate our beloved president, Rachel Chen.

On this special day, the room, filled with Rachel’s family members, community members, her good friends, CPAD parents and kids, was warmed and brightened by beautiful flower arrangements from Rachel’s floral classmates and her teacher.  The service began with the heartrending voices of several CPAD kids, their parents joined together with the Karaoke/voice teacher, Abel, singing “Amazing Grace”.  The music is then followed by parent representatives recalling the many contributions Rachel made to the Association, and unanimously praising her for her many gifts such as her diplomatic skills, her perseverance, her relentless spirit, as well as how she loved life and lived life to the fullest.

CPAD Treasurer, Stella, and Interim President, Vanda, also commemorated how Rachel had touched their lives not only as a mentor and friend, but also as a dear sister.  The service concluded with tender sharing from Mr. Chen, President’s husband, and her two sons of their memory of Rachel, honoring her selfless spirit, her noble character throughout her life, and also expressed appreciation for the concern and care from friends and everyone from the community.

With these cherished memory of and legacy from our dear Rachel, we are committed to work hard to continue our President’s plight to serve and advocate for our families. May our beloved President be comforted with our commitments and rest in peace!


Orange County Chapter - Parent meeting

The mid-Autumn's full moon meant it was time for families to reunite and get reacquainted - September 21, CPAD-OC Chapter invited families to celebrate its fifth anniversary during this festive season. OCAAC's decoration made the place very relaxing and welcoming.  There were moon cakes, desserts, cakes, as well as the aroma of coffee.  The most important thing is that everyone was in a good mood. CPAD - OC Chapter coordinator, Mimi Chou, expressed gratitude to long-term supporters, volunteers and parents; and also encouraged young parents to get more out of CPAD by taking an active part and volunteer to support OC Chapter.  Parents were also very thankful and recognized Mimi's devotion to the organization and their needs./p>

While comfortably eating the refreshments, parents were able to communicate openly and freely as they exchange personal experiences with each other.  Time always flies when you are having a good time.  Parents taking time out of their busy schedule to get together to relieve their stress is also a good thing!

To read Corner full articles, please open the following PDF file: CPAD 10-13 Corner
