CPAD Newsletter (June 2013)
30 七月 2013
GFCBWSCC Community Support - “2013 Celebration with Family with Special Needs”
July 13, 2013, Saturday, 11:00am - 2pm
Event is sponsored by: Global Federation of California Business Woman (Southern California Chapter). Co-Sponsor: CPAD/Taiwan Academy Los Angeles. Purpose of the event is to support CPAD to raise funds to build CPAD “Activity Center” (Please see GFCBWSCC Event Flyer).
Right after "2013 Celebration with Family with Special Needs Kids" party, there will be a short presentation about "Self-Advocacy." Parents who are interested on the subject, please stay or come around 2 pm.
Presented by: Dr. Barbara Wheeler
CPAD Orange County Chapter - Parent Support Meeting
August 20, 2013, Saturday, 2 pm - 4 pm
Speaker, Dr. Yih-Jia Chang graduated with her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She has extensive expence in marriage counseling, parenting isuesdepression and anxiety.
CPAD Corner (June 2013)
30 六月 2013
CPAD Community Parent Resource Center - Region 6 Annual Meeting
Region 6 Parent Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) Annual Meeting - meeting was held at Los Angeles Crowne Plaza Hotel, California, from May 7 to May 9, and hosted by Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center, in collaboration with local Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs): Fiesta Educativa and Chinese Parents Association for the Disabled (CPAD), and Parent Training and Information Center (PTI): Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK). CPAD Acting President, Vanda Yung presented an elaborate slide show about CPAD, which include CPAD Saturday programs, community outreach, and performance for charity events, etc. The presentation purports to demonstrate CPAD’s services and involvements in the community, and also its accomplishments throughout the years.
The meeting was rich in content. It covered the latest reforms in education, PTAC regulations and experiences, effective ways to improve mutual parents support, and a variety of high tech methodologies and consultation websites to assist people with disabilities. It will benefit parents tremendously in the future.
CPAD Orange County Chapter - Parent Support Meeting
CPAD OC Chapter Parent Support Meeting - On 4/20/2013, Saturday, “Estate Planning” workshop speaker, Attoney Jennifer F. Yang had family emergency, she was unable to come to give presentation to parents. OC parent, Angela Shen voluntarily took over the meeting, and shared her personal experience to parents of her family living trust set up. Angela prepared a PowerPoint presentation, explained the profound estate planning, Living Trust, trust terminology, Special Needs Trust, Advance Health Care Directive, how to choose the ideal trustee, planning steps and operation details in simple terms; she also provided 4 samples of living trusts for parents to wrok at home.
CPAD 期刊 (2013年5月)
30 四月 2013
CPAD 社區家長資訊中心 (CPRC) – 資訊講座
影片內容:影片包含了兩部分VCD內容。第一部分陳述了一名自閉症孩子黃澤林的神奇經歷。全能的上帝祝福黃家,也通過黃澤林,安慰和祝福許多飽受苦難與絕望的心靈,同時激勵了許多基督徒。笫二部分繼續見證神對黃澤林和他家人的祝福。通過Yolanda 對黃澤林和其他自閉症孩子的訓練工作,以及她所創立的努力試中心 (www.lp.org.hk),也將這恩典延展至更多類似的家庭。此外,影片還加入一些新的內容:Louis 的父母, 和其他曾經加入努力試中心訓練課程的參與者,共同分享他們的訊息,影片全長共 98分鐘, 粤語配中英文字幕。
CPAD 橙縣分部 - 家長互助會議
CPAD 片羽 (2013年5月)
30 四月 2013
CPAD 阿罕布拉總部:
歡迎CPAD新成員 - 在2月23日,華裔殘障者家長協會舉辦的中國新年聯歡會上,我們的長期好友史迺麗女士陪同大專聯合校友會 (JCUAA) 前會長 陳玲華女士 (見圖)親臨會場祝賀,陳女士曾多次為本會舉辦活動,對本會嚴謹的組織與效率的活動印象深刻,尤其受到本會關心支持弱勢族群的熱誠服務而感動,在會長及理事們力邀之下答應出任本會的公關及榮譽顧問。陳女士熱心公益,同時也肩負多項社團組織的負責人,每有活動她總是出錢又出力。她現任中華民國僑務委員會的僑務顧問,去年曾獲得世界華人工商婦女企管協會南加州分會的金冠獎,目前是2013年第五屆世界十大傑出華商婦女華冠獎的候選人。希望在她的努力及推動之下,能促使本會的活動中心早日興建完成,並期待她能帶領本會走出更寬廣的一片天。
CPAD 歡迎新理事成員 - 在今年, 1月12日的理事會正式通過三位女士 (Vanda Yung, Linda Lai, Mei Ye) 加入理事會,她們都是家長,各個學有專精,過去幾年 Vanda 替本會寫了很多企畫案申請補助,Linda 則一直是本會的會計師,Mei 熱心訓練家長幫忙翻譯,更難能可貴的是她們的夫婿 (Michael Yung - 電腦班課程設計/指導老師, Mark Lai - 活動中心負責人之一, Xiaogang Wang - 為 CPAD 攝影, 製作海報, 聯絡媒體) 不但支持另一半,自己也投入服務的行列,我們歡迎這些生力軍的加入。
CPAD 橙縣分部 - 家長互助會
CPAD橙縣分部月會 - 在三月十六日,Disability Rights California 的 Jacqueline Miller 女士為我們講說 2012年7月1日 開始生效的SB946法案。SB946法案要求健康保險需負擔自閉兒的行為治療費用。Miller 女士發給我們講義並詳細解說此法案有關行為治療的部分。家長們也分享與Regional Center,行為治療公司,以及健保打交道的經驗;也提出許多大家關心的問題。Miller 女士回答了我們許多問題,但是也承認有些問題目前仍無明確的答案。
CPAD 資訊 (2013年3月)
10 三月 2013
CPAD 社區家長資訊中心 - 資訊講座
講者: Dr. Howard Chudler, Ph.D.. is a licensed Marriage Family Therapist and Director of Howard Chudler & Associates, Inc. Henry Wong, MA is a program at Howard Chudler & Associates, Inc.
講者: Jackie Dai, 東洛杉磯社區中心消費者權益保護辦公室; Aimee Delgado, 聖蓋博波莫納社區服務中消費者權益保護辦公室
CPAD 橙縣分會 - 資訊講座