CPAD Corner (November 2014)
14 十一月 2014
CPAD Alhambra Headquarter: 2014 CPAD Activity Center Campaign
CPAD Received donation from Community Organizations - September' 2014 has been a busy but exciting month for CPAD’s Activity Center Campaign, we have received donation from several community organizations which include: California Institute of Chinese Cultural Arts (CICPA), Alhambra Lions Club, Kiwanis Club Charity Golf Tournament "Serving the Children of the World" - Chino Hills Penske Merceds-Benz Championship Golf Program, and the Primo Entertainment Group of Los Angeles. Our many thanks to the supporting organizations, your donation help us to reach our 2014 fundraising goal. (detailed information)
CPAD Orange County Chapter : Parent Support Workshop
October 18, 2014, CPAD Orange County Chapter meeting – CPAD parent, Mr. Jacob Shen, gave us a talk in “Financial Planning Considerations”. He talked about general principle of financial planning – control what one can control and start now! Mr. Shen emphasized that the money that might be needed short term should not be put into the stock market; they can be put in bank saving, bank CD, short term bonds, floating rate bonds, or other higher yield instruments. Retirement saving should be put in Roth IRA if possible. Traditional IRA and 401(k) are options for people with W-2 income. People who have self-employment earnings have more options: Simple IRA, SEP IRA, Individual 401(k), and Pension Plan. Estate planning is another important component of financial planning. The living trust and special needs trust aspect of estate planning will be discussed in our November 15th seminar.
CPAD Newsletter (September 2014)
08 九月 2014
CPAD Community Resource Center (CPRC) - Workshops
Secondary Transition Planand Services
Speaker: Jackie Dai will be presenting on tran-sition services from special education to adulthood. Come and get answers to your questions such as:
Mrs. Dai received a Juries Doctorate degree from Pepperdine University. She is part of Disability Rights California's program called the Office of Clients' Rights Advocacy and has served as the Clients' Rights Advocate for consumers of Lanterman Regional Center and Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center. She is currently the Clients' Rights Advocate for Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center consumers and enjoys working with consumers to help them gain access to justice. For further information, please call Rose: (626) 315-8146.
CPAD Orange County Chapter - Workshop
CPAD parents and consumers sharing 2 years' experience at Pathway – UCLA program as well as the Project Search's job training / internship program at the UCLA Medical Center.
CPAD Corner (September 2014)
08 九月 2014
CPAD Alhambra Headquarter:
“Trans Pacific Ties-“Bridging Hong Kong and Los Angeles Through Arts” - On August 9, 2014, CPAD, Chinese American Museum (CAM) and Hong Kong's Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (東華三院/TWGH) has successfully launched the exciting and pioneering Trans Pacific Ties Art Exhibit with its opening ceremony event at CAM. Transpacific Ties emphasizes the talents of two groups of artists separated by the Pacific Ocean but united in their shared passion for art. The ex-hibition, a highlight of the museum’s anniversary celebration, showcases the many ways in which the community cares for and empowers those with disabilities. 5 artists from TWGH’s Rehabili-tation’s idArt program along with their families and TWGH Board Chairman, Mr. Ivan Sze (施榮恆), and staff traveled more than 7,000 miles to share their art work, stories, and aspirations with CPAD artists, their families and the Los Angeles community.
After the opening ceremony, on August 10th, 2014, Trans Pacific artists, families, staff and friends celebrated together at a gala celebration dinner event hosted by CPAD through dancing and singing. The event truly demonstrated what this project is all about--showcasing the talents of the special needs community, bridging Hong Kong and Los Angeles disability communities not only through art, but also through caring and love, despite the challenges. CPAD wants to thank CAM staff, Dr. Gay Yuen (阮桂銘), CAM’s Board President, in being the catalyst and enabler in linking the Trans Pacific communities, and in making this Art Exhibit a success.
CPAD Orange County Chapter: Workshop
July 10, 2014 CPAD Orange County Chapter – Mr. Larry Landauer, Executive Director of RCOC gave us a talk on “Self Determination – Senate Bill 468”. The bill would require the State Department of Developmental Services, contingent upon approval of federal funding, to establish and implement a state Self-Determination Program that would be available in every regional center catchment area to provide participants and their families, within an individual budget, increased flexibility and choice, and greater control over decisions, resources, and needed and desired services and supports to implement their IPP, in accordance with prescribed requirements. The statewide program would be phased in over 3 years, serving up to 2500 regional center consumers during the phase-in (pilot) period, and thereafter, available on a voluntary basis to all eligible regional center consumers.......
CPAD Newsletter (July 2014)
21 七月 2014
CPAD Community Resource Center (CPRC) - Parent Support Workshop
Village Pot-Luck Meeting
Bringing up special needs children is very difficult for their families. If “it takes a village to bring up a child” for the regular kids, then this is even more so for the special needs children and their families. In this Villagers’ Luncheon, every parent will have the opportunity to ask questions and share on how to work with the Regional Center resources creatively faced with the future issue of “Self-Determination”. Please bring one of your favorite dish to share.
After the Villagers' Luncheon, we will have an IEP workshop (from 2pm to 4pm), presented by Brigitte Ammons, a senior advocate with Disability Rights California (DRC) over 20 years, a strong child advocate and particularly focus on parent training in the area of special education. “Developing an Effective IEP” Workshop is for parents with 3-18 year old kids - Ms. Ammons will take us through the three parts of an IEP meeting: before, during, and after meeting. You will learn strategies for a successful meeting, well written goals, how to ensure implementation of the iEP, and what you can do when problem occurred in the implementation?
CPAD Orange County Chapter - Workshop
Regional Center of Orange County
Come and meet Mr. Landauer, the Executive Director of Orange County Regional Center. Ask questions that you have always wanted to ask about RCOC services!
CPAD 片羽 (2014年7月)
07 七月 2014
CPAD 阿罕布拉總部:
華裔殘障者家長協會主辦的《粤曲粤劇獻愛心》 籌款滙演 - 2014年, 6月14日, 家長協會在馬凱博高中禮堂舉辦「粵曲、粵劇獻愛心慈善義演,香港粵劇紅伶劉惠鳴小姐及家長會理事, 劉德麗女士聯同一班熱愛粵劇文化、演藝精湛的票友們傾力奉獻,加上當晚的慶功宴中的續加籌款活動, 一共募得籌款 $88,388美元。眾議員 趙美心, 加州參議員周本立, 和蒙特利公園市長黃維剛, 與會現場, 頒發獎狀給劉惠鳴小姐, 和劉德麗女士, 讚揚她們的樂善愛心。蒙市黃市長並捐贈$500, 給CPAD 活動中心籌建基金。
會長翁黃韻嫻表示,今年家長會募款活動己淨募善款近九萬元,全部募款所得為籌建家長活動中心基金。義演總監劉德麗女士和家長會全體成員們, 衷心地感謝所有參與演出工作朋友的鼎力相助,並誠摯感謝所有社會熱心人士的愛心支持。也讓興建「活動中心」的夢想又向前邁進了一步,的確可喜可賀!
CPAD 橙縣分會: 家長座談會
CPAD 橙縣分會 “應付危機 - 有備無患” 資訊會 - 5月17日, 家長 R. J. Feng 博士為我們講述「應付危機,有備無患」的資訊。他給我們看求生時所需要的物品,如:火種,儲水用具,儲存食品,以及急救箱。他指出一個人在沒有氧氣的情況下可存活三分鐘;極冷或極熱時可活三小時;沒水時可活三天;沒食物可活三星期。求生時,要專注在熬過每一小時。每過一小時,就能有下一小時!馮博士也鼓勵我們準備一個緊急狀況時可隨時拎著走的逃生包,裏面應有幫助我們度過七十二小時的必需品。