CPAD Corner (April 2017)
24 四月 2017
CPAD LA Headquarter
CPAD - USARC Big Bear Winter Ski Trip - on March 16, 2017, we went up to Bear Mountain for United States Adaptive Recreation Center’s (USARC) group skip trip. Our group was originally scheduled for January 23rd, but got postponed due to a severe storm. Nevertheless, all skiers were excited to hit the slope after waiting patiently. Eight skiers participated this time including two new faces, Shuo Wang and Justin Meng. The sunny sky and cool breeze made a perfect day for both skiers and parents. (More ...)
CPAD Orange County Chapter
3/18/2017 CPAD Orange County Chapter – Ms. Scarlett vonThenen of SCDD (State Council on Developmental Disabilities) and Ms. Kaitlynn Truong of RCOC (Regional Center of Orange County) gave us a talk on RCOC POS Disparities. RCOC is seeking community input in how Regional Center could better serve the families. While Asian clients from birth to 2 years has higher average cost of services than Hispanic and White, for ages 3 to 21 years, the average cost of services for Asian clients is slightly less than White but still significantly higher than Hispanic. For ages 22 years and older, White clients has much higher average cost of services than other ethnic groups. The reason is that much higher percentage of White clients living away from home. In any case, it is crucial that consumers of any ethnicity be informed about Regional Center and its services to the special needs community. (More ...)