CPAD Corner (April 2007)

CPAD 5/5/2007 – annual “Very Special Indoor Spring Party” – the invitation flyer was sent off in our March Newsletter. For those have not call for reservation, please do immediately. The deadline for reservation is 4/20/2007. CPAD hotline: (626) 307-3837

This time, we are so excited that Mr. David Charles Keeton from Heifer International will specially come to join us to celebrate; he will bring his display house with animals to meet our children. Parents, don’t miss this great opportunity, call CPAD right away.

Nominated by Rachel McGrath, Stella Chow, CPAD member, was recognized by the Board of San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center (SG/PRC)’s Community Recognition Program for her contribution to the developmentally disabled community for year 2006.

Rachel McGrath, CPAD consumer and Stella in the 3/28/2007 San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center’s “Community Recognition Program” Certificate Recognition.

Shortly after receiving the Certification of Recognition, the Board of SG/PRC announced that Stella has been selected to be the recipient of the 2007 Annual Elizabeth Quinn Memorial Award. This award is to honor one individual who has made a significant contribution to our community. The award will be presented at the SG/PRC Board of Directors’ Annual Meeting on 4/25/2007 at 7:15 pm. Congratulations! Stella.

To view all the information in this issue, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Corner (April 2007)
