CPAD Newsletter (March 2013)
10 March 2013
CPAD Community Parent Resource Center - Parent Workshops
Speakers: Jackie Dai, Office of Clients' Rights Advocacy for consumers Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center ; Aimee Delgado, Office of Clients' Rights Advocacy, for consumers of San Gabriel Pomona Regional Center. Discussion topics include a general overview of the Medi-Cal managed care enrollment requirements and exemption requirements along with how the Affordable Healthcare Act will affect persons with developmental disabilities.
To view Alhambra workshop information, please open the following PDF file: CPAD 3-13 Newsletter - Alhambra
CPAD Orange County Chapter - Parent Support Meeting
SB 946 - Regarding Insurance for ABA
Speaker: Jacqueline Miller, Attorney, Disability Rights California, She will provide information and discussion on Senate Bill 946, which requires health care service plan contracts and health insurance policies to provide coverage for behavioral health treatment for individuals with autism or other pervasive development disorders (PDD); specifically ABA (applied behavioral analysis services).
To view OC Chapter workshop information, please open the following PDF file: CPAD 3-13 Newsletter - OC Chapter