CPAD Newsletter (September 2012)

 CPAD Community Parent Resource Center, CPRC - Workshop

Vision: A Bridge From Present To The Future
 Floortime Therapy for Children with Autism
 Care for Children with Autism in China

Time:  Saturdays - September 29, 2012; October 6, 2012; November 3, 2012
 1:00 Pm - 3:00 pm

Location:  First Christian Church of Alhambra
        220 S. 5th Street,
       Alhambra, CA 91801


Mary Hosokawa, Education/Inclusion Specialist for Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center and the parent of two sons affected by autism will present on the Importance of a Parent Vision. Mary will share her discoveries, both personal and professional, of the importance of having a vision......This workshop will be interactive and will include a parent and adults with disabilities as co-presenters.

To view detail of Alhambra workshops information, please open the following PDF files: 


CPAD Orange County Chapter - Parent Support Meeting

A Parent’s Journey of Raising an Autistic Child

Time:  September 15, 2012, Saturday, 2 pm to 4 pm

Location:    OCAAC
 225 W. Carl Karcher Way,
Anaheim, CA 92801 

Mrs. Liao will share her experience in raising an autistic son over the years.  She also invites all parents to share their experience with fellow CPAD parents so that we can support and encourage each other.

To view OC Chapter information, please open the following PDF file:

