CPAD Newsletter (August 2011)
02 August 2011
Community Parent Resource Center, CPRC - Workshop
“IEP Rights & Strategies”
Time: September 26, 2011, Monday
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: First Christian Church of Alhambra
220 S. 5th Street,
Alhambra, CA 91801
Does your child have IEP (Individual Education Program) in the school? Do you attend the IEP meetings? Would you like to know how the meetings should be run by law and regulations? Please come to our workshop on September 26. CPAD in collaboration with TASK will hold IEP Rights and Strategies training.
To view Alhambra information, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Newsletter (August 2011)
CPAD - Orange County Chapter - Parent Support Meeting
“The Experience of A Lifelong Disabled Person & His Search for Support”
Time: August 20, 2011, Saturday
2 noon – 4:00 pm
Location: OCARC
225 W. Carl Karcher Way,
Anaheim, CA 92801
Mr. Dutcher will share his life experience as a person with disability, and the services he had utilized ........
To view OC Chapter information, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Newsletter (August 2011)