CPAD Newsletter (January 2016)
16 January 2016
Community Parent Resource Center, CPRC – Workshop
On 2/16/2016, Family Resource Center (FRC) meeting, CPAD President, Vanda Yung, and CPRC Coordinator, Stella Chow, will join together with FRC to hold a discussin on Accessing Regional Center Services.
Family Resource Center (FRC) - Monthly Support Group Meeting was started in July 2015, and held on every 3rd Tuesday of the month (More ...)
CPAD Orange County Chapter: Workshop
Conservatorship & Alternatives
Disability Rights California, Jacqueline Miller, Esq. will be our 2/20/2016, parent meeting speaker. She will discuss Conservatorshp and its alternatives for our children. (More ...)
CPAD Corner (January 2016)
16 January 2016
Dear CPAD families and friends,
On behalf of the whole CPAD Board, we send you our heartfelt wishes with joy and may a joyful spirit keep glowing in your heart and families throughout 2016.
2015 has been a busy and exciting year for CPAD! This past year has demonstrated exceptional community collaboration and support for CPAD. With the support of the Chinese American Museum and Asian Youth Center (AYC), CPAD has started our Saturday activities and parent programs at the AYC.
In addition to continuing to provide bilingual and bicultural program activities to our member families, we have been busy breaking ground on our activity center’s construction. With the continuous support of Tak Lau Charity Foundation and Smart Entertainment that sponsored two major Cantonese Opera Charity Nights and many dedicated community donors, CPAD raised a total of $111,528.68 for our Activity Center project.
In the beginning of this new year, as we get ready to take up new challenges, we need to first extend our enthusiastic appreciation to all of our generous donors. In addition, we want to give our deepest thank you to all of our dedicated volunteers, including teachers, parents, teacher aids, donors and friends.
Thank you all for making 2015 a successsful one, and we look forward to many more wonderful collaboration with all of you in this coming year. We welcome not only your continuous generous donation, but also your valuable volunteering as well as your suggestions.
CPAD Newsletter (November 2015)
08 November 2015
CPAD Community Resource Center (CPRC):
San Gabriel, CA 91776
Workshop description: Team of Advocates for special kids (TASK) will be presenting on the IEP Rights and Strategies. This workshop will provide answers to your questions in regards to your IEP concerns. Speaker: Ms. Suzanne Galindo will be presenting for Team of Advocates for Special KidsSuzanne has worked in the field of Special Education Advocacy for the past twenty-seven years. She has worked with many families whom face the challenges of parenting special needs children, working with federal and state agencies, and local school districts. (More ...)
CPAD Orange County chapter:
“Reflection 2015”
225 W. Carl Karcher Way,
Anaheim, CA 92801
OC Chapter Coordinator, Mimi Chou, will host this parents gathering for exchanging ideas, encouraging each other, enjoying ourselves, invigorating every one of us. Reflect on the past year and look into the future. It’s an opportunity for us to express our expectations of our support group. (More ...)
CPAD Corner (November 2015)
08 November 2015
CPAD Alhambra Headquarter:
2015 CPAD families has had a fun-filled, busy September - On September 12, 2015, our CPAD Board member, Ms. Tak Lau, passionately sponsored a Cantonese Opera show, the Love Charity Night III, through her Tak Lau Charity Foundation together with Smart Entertainment, Inc., at the Rosemead High School Auditorium. CPAD would like to express our deepest appreciation for the volunteers’ hard work, and especially for Tak and her Foundation’s generosity in donating the proceeds of this event, approximately $30,000 and all in support of the CPAD Activity Center project.
On September 26th this year, 30+ Chinese and Hispanic parents and 20+ Chinese and Hispanic young consumers gathered at the Asian Youth Center for our 3rd Mini-Multicultural Conference to learn and network followed by a cross cultural luncheon. (More ...)
CPAD Orange County Chapter:
Self-Determination and POS Guidelines of RCOC services” - October 17, 2015, Mr. Larry Landauer, Executive Director of RCOC (Regional Center of Orange County) gave us an update on “Self-Determination and POS Guidelines of RCOC services”. He went over The Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act and related laws, and how the regional centers and service providers can help these individuals (More...)
CPAD Newsletter (September 2015)
31 August 2015
CPAD Community Resource Center (CPRC):
San Gabriel, CA 91776
Parent Workshop/Discussion - Dispute Resolution (Presentor: Fran Goldfarb)
Youth /Young Adult Consumers - Self-Advocacy (Presentor: Dr. Barbara Wheeler)
Multicultural Lunch Social - Noon to 1:30 pm (More ...)
CPAD Orange County chapter:
“Transition to Adulthood” Workshop”
225 W. Carl Karcher Way,
Anaheim, CA 92801
Ms. Jacqueline Miller will discuss several important disability rights issues and services related to “Transition to Adulthood”, including Regional Center services, IHSS, SSI, school, and alternatives to conservatorship. (More ...)