CPAD Corner (November 2008)
05 December 2008
Bear Mountain Resort – Adaptive Winter Group Ski shall open Monday through Friday – From 1/12/2009 to 3/20/2009 (1/19/2009 & 2/16/2009 closed due to holiday).
On 10/21/2008 CPAD made the registration with United States Adaptive Recreation Center (USARC) and reserved the 1st ski date: March 2, 2009 (Monday).
This is the 6th year CPAD participate as a group (with max. 20 skiers) in this wonderful snow sport. Right now we already have 10 skiers for 3/2/2009. But if parents are interested, please contact Stella at (626) 309-9613 or Virginia at (626) 830-6272 ASAP. Deadline is 11/30/2008 or number is filled.
CPAD will pay for the Group Annual membership fee. Also CPAD will sponsor one time skier $10. Parents are responsible for the balance lesson fees $50 per skier (total lesson fees is $60), and transportation to Bear Mountain in Big Bear. Each lesson is one-to one basis, including adaptive equipment and/or teaching techniques, student will discovers the freedom of gliding down slop and the satisfaction of self-reliance and personal accomplishment. **Lesson fees are due on 11/30/2008 and are non refundable**
To view all the information in this issue, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Corner (November 2008)
CPAD Newsletter (October 2008)
14 October 2008
Community Parent Resource Center (CPRC)
Parent Support Meeting
Saturday, October 18, 2008
“How to Have Effective Individual Program Plan (IPP) for Your Child?”
Saturday, November 15, 2008
“Individual Education Program (IEP) Rights and Strategies”
Time: Saturday 2 - 4:00 pm
Location: First Christian Church of Alhambra
220 S. 5th Street, Alhambra, CA 91801
Starting from October, CPAD/CPRC is going to have the Saturday Parent Support Group meeting to serve parents who can not come on Tuesday’s meetings. Following are the topics for October and November:
10/18/2008 “How to Have Effective Individual Program Plan (IPPs) for Your Child” –
Presenter: Mr. Matt Pope from Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy (OCRA).
11/15/2008 “Individual Education Program (IEP) Rights and Strategies” – Presenter:
Ms. Suzanne Galindo from Team of Advocates For Special Kids (TASK).
We encourage our parents take advantage of the training opportunities to learn more about individualized support issues relating to IPP and IEP. Please reserve your time for these great trainings.
To view all the information in this issue, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Newsletter (October 2008)
CPAD Corner (October 2008)
14 October 2008
CPAD Saturday Class
Time: Every 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month
Location: FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 220 5th Street, Alhambra, CA 91801 (cross street is Commonwealth)
CPAD has started the Fall 2008 Saturday programs. In order to meet various needs, we have made some bold changes. With the enthusiasm of and encouragement from the volunteers who act as peer mentors, our kids have adapted to the new classes very well, at the same time, they are having so much fun. Many parents are pleasantly surprised to see their kids actively participating in activities and eager to do their best. Some parents asked if we can bring back some of the classes we held last year; we definitely will keep that in mind. We will do our best to accommodate your requests by adding classes or rotating the programs. Thanks for letting us know.
While kids are active in various programs, parents are not left out. We offer adult exercise and flower arrangement classes. All CPAD youth and adult classes are free of charge; with the exception of material charge for flower arrange class. Our 2nd session of flower arrangement class will start soon; you and your friends are cordially invited to join us. For information, please call May at 626-312-9587.
CPAD is a volunteer base parent support group. Your participation and contributions are essential for the programs to succeed. Thanks to your involvement, our last two birthday parties were smashing hits. To make it the third in a role, we are now planning a celebration party for those who were born in November and December. We need your ideas and participation since you know your child’s favorite better. If you can help in anyway, please call me at 626-287-1495 or CPAD hot line at 626-307-3837. - Li Lee , Class Coordinator
To view all the information in this issue, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Corner (October 2008)
CPAD Newsletter (August 2008)
14 September 2008
Parent Training
Health Care Services
Time: September 20, 2008, Saturday 1 - 3:00 pm
Location: Community Health Education Center (CHEC)
261 Junipero Serra, San Gabriel, CA 91776
On 9/20/2008 (Saturday) 1 pm to 3 pm, Mrs. Shan-Ru Huang, CPAD’s board member is our special guest speaker, she will explain the important of “Health Care Services”, how the services affecting our families. Her topics will include:
- Medicare, Medi-Cal and SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
How are they related to each others?
- Eligibility for Medicare (Part A, Part B, and Part D.)
- Benefits and Eligibility for Medi-Cal
We encourage our parents take this great opportunity to learn about what health care services are covered? How to apply…? Come to learn and plan for our children’s future.
To view all the information in this issue, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Newsletter (August 2008)
CPAD Corner (August 2008)
14 September 2008
This Summer CPAD starts out a very busy schedule. First “Be Your Own Leader” trainings. 15 transition age youth (TAY) and 20 parents participated. Dr. Rosenberg and Ms. Teri Chang are excellent trainers. Followings are some comments from the evaluations from trainings:
“I like the person-centered and social security training the best”
“Very informative and comforting to find other parents to share information”
“All sessions are good, especially “Person Center”. Parents need to let go and think in their kids view”
“It’s a very interesting and useful training”…….
To view all the information in this issue, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Corner (August 2008)