CPAD Newsletter (January 2014)
14 January 2014
CPAD Community Resource Center (CPRC) - Workshop
CPRC Co-Director, Vanda Yung, and Stella Chow attended the NPTAC (National Parent Technical Assistance Centers) Institute Meeting in September, 2013. They will share with our parent the training materials of Bullying from PACER. Please don't miss this opportunity and come to this training.
CPAD Orange County Chapter - Parent Support Meeting
"Parent Gathering"
OC Chapter Coordinator, Mimi Chou will host this parents gathering for exchanging ideas, encouraging each other, enjoying ourselves, invigorating every one of us. This is also an opportunity for us to express our expectations of the support group and to plan for the Year 2014.
To view OC Chapter information, please open the following PDF file: CPAD 1-14 Newsletter - OC Chapter