CPAD Corner (November 2011)
07 November 2011
CPAD Special Event - Fall Party
On 10/22/2011, Fall Party sponsored by Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Southern California, JCUAA, New Women Association and SimplyHelp Organization brought a lot of joy and fun to CPAD children. 45 CPAD families were having a very good time.
The highlight on that day was the singing and dancing led by Alice Thomas, JCUAA President and New Women Association. During the party, each CPAD child received a pack of color drawing pen gift and a sheet of paper has pumpkin face on it. Children were so happy to color the pumpkin face.
We sincerely thanks to all the sponsors: JCUAA, New Women Association and SimplyHelp for giving us such a wonderful event. Thank you for your support! Also, our special thanks to Sandy Liang for spending the day with us and give CPAD children a very very cute face painting.
CPAD - Orange County Chapter - Music Therapy Class
10/22/11, OC Chapter first Music Therapy Saturday Class, was very fun and success. There are 14 children registered in the group session and 6 in the one on one session. Music therapists, Suzanne Artis, is very amiable, parents and children are very fond of her.
She brought different music instruments for children to play. while one on one class was in session, the rest of children were with high school volunteers doing the art works. All the parents, volunteers, and children in the group music therapy classes were joyfully playing the music instruments, and also playing games with the drum beat.
To view all Corner information, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Corner (November 2011)