CPAD Corner (January 2011)
10 January 2011
【Appreciation to Rachel Chen, CPAD President】
2010 has been a very busy year for our President, Rachel Chen. Under her leadership, CPAD has completed projects made possible by the FAST Program, Pacific Life Foundation grant, and the 3 year term CPRC grant. All three projects were successfully completed with praises from our members as well as the benefactors. Now CPAD is pleased to receive a new 5 year term CPRC grant.
CPAD gets many benefits from Rachel's attending conferences. She brought back the latest information on Special education; Transition trends; new methods to build network; job opportunities, etc. Recently, Rachel represented CPAD as one of the committee members to support “Employment First Policy” Assembly Bill AB 287, an extension of Senate Bill SB 1270. Rachel also went twice to Sacramento for the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) policy making meetings. Soon she will be busy working for the third meeting which will be held again in Sacramento on 1/7/2011.
Thank you Rachel for working so hard and speaking up for our members.
【CPAD - 2010 Year End Party Celebration】
On Saturday, 12/11/2010, CPAD and Tzu-Chi Chinese Academy co-sponsored our 2010 Year End Party. The opening show was performed by our young and talented musician, Alison. She commanded big applause from the audience with her delightful performance of piano variations and flute.
During the celebration, Mrs. Tak Lee, a CPAD board member and Abel Lam, the CPAD music instructor, presented a special program with the chorus class students. It was very clear that each chorus member performed with his/her utmost might; some of them were vividly singing happily and swaying to the rhythm of the music, and all the audience, attuned to their passion, was up on their feet and danced too.
Tzu Chi Academy Principal Mr. Hsu led more than 30 student volunteers and their parents to help. They enthusiastically served our children, they also led them play various games. As usual, they brought delicious and healthy food to share with us ..... Thanks to all Tzu-Chi Academy’s volunteers for your participation and assisting our members.
To view Corner information, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Corner (January 2011)