CPAD Corner (September 2010)

Vertex CMS Training for CPAD New Web Page

 On April 16, CPAD members Lina Yuan and Mr. T.D. Lee went to Vertex Telecom’s corporate headquarter in Los Angeles for a demo of future CPAD website.  We were greeted by Mr. Jim Chiu, President of Vertex, Ms. Alice Ching, VP Marketing and PR, and Mr. Fred Meng, Manager who is in charge of the project.  Ms. Ching presented a two-phase approach to promote CPAD’s website.  Phase-1 will cover existing website’s functions with enhanced features as described in the latter part of this article, and phase-2 will be accentuated with additional functions such as accepting donation online, donor statistics, and additional features to be discussed in the future.

The website was professionally designed and the refreshing features awed both of us. It encompassed all the functions we have in the old website and more. We will be empowered to write, edit, and publish CPAD newsletters; we can also post activity pictures in the photo gallery, announce future activities, provide valuable resources and perform other functions online.  These can all be done by authorized CPAD members without resorting to outside help; and the web pages can be browsed in either Chinese or English.  Mirrored translation of the Chinese version into English, vise versa, page for page, takes place instantly by a simple stroke of the preferred language tab on the upper right hand corner of the page.  Ms. Ching also presented the timeline to complete and publish the website.

On June 9th, 2010, CPAD board members Stella Chow, Lina Yuan and I went to Vertex for a one day CMS (Content Management System) training, which includes website loading editing, posting and maintenance; it went smoothly. Although we were overwhelmed by the complexity, we all came away pumped and ready to assume control of our own website.  Ms. Ching and Mr. Meng stand ready to assist us should any problems arise.  We encourage our parents to browse the new website which Vertex designed for us.  This development marks a new milestone for CPAD, which enables us to assist and serve our parents more professionally.

We wish to bring attention to CPAD families that Vertex Telecom is doing this for CPAD on a pro bono basis, i.e., they do this for FREE!  Last year, Vertex Telecom President, Mr. Jim Chiu, donated $5000 to CPAD. When he browsed our website, he noticed it was attacked and crippled by computer virus.  He spontaneously offered his tech support to our rescue by cleaning up the virus and stabilized our website.  Further, he offered to help redesign new web pages for CPAD.

Thank you! Mr. Chiu, and all those Vertex personnel who are involved in making new CPAD website live possible.     (by Tiden Lee)

To read all the CPAD Corner information in this issue, please open the following PDF file:  CPAD Corner (September 2010)

