CPAD Corner (March 2009)


1/17/2009 CPAD Orange Chapter invited Ms. Scarlett vonThenen to come tell us about State of California Area Boards, their functions and how the agencies can help people with disabilities. There are 13 Area Boards in California. Area Board X serves LA County while Area Board XI serves Orange County. They are federally funded independent state agencies. Their mission is to advocate, promote, and implement policies and practices that achieve self-determination, independence, productivity, and inclusion in all aspects of community life for Californians with developmental disabilities and their families. During the Q-A session, Ms. vonThenen said that every local agency such as Regional Center Orange County has its own guidelines. She also pointed out that in dealing with any agency or service provider, it is crucial to keep all communications in writing and document them well. If parents want to seek specific help can contact Ms. vonThenen at 714-558-4404.

To view all the information in this issue, please open the following PDF file: CPAD Corner (March 2009)
