CPAD Corner (September 2015)
30 八月 2015
CPAD Alhambra Headquarter:
2015 Annual Field Trip Group Photo
CPAD Annual Field Trip 2015 - 8/15 and 8/16, 2015, CPAD's Annual Field Trip was truly a weekend to remember. The first day, we visited Kern County Museum. At this place, we learned more about how American history influenced Bakersfield. The following morning, we visited Sequoia National park. Being able to visit Sequoia National Park showed us how CPAD is an amazing group. The simple fact that we were able to come together and have a nice vacation taught us that we are very capable even with our disabilities. (More ...)
CPAD Orange County Chapter:
8/15/15 CPAD OC Chapter meeting - CPAD parent, Mei Ling Yu, a CA Licensed Insurance Agent, discussed the merit of tax-free Indexed Life Insurance as a leverage for financial planning, retirement planning, and estate planning.She used several illustratipns to show that under certain conditions, tax-free indexed life insurance outperforms other taxable, tax-deferred and tas-free ivestment vehicles. (More...)
CPAD Newsletter (July 2015)
15 七月 2015
CPAD Community Resource Center (CPRC) - Workshop
Date: August 22, 2015, Saturday, 9 am - 11 am
100 Clary Avenue,
San Gabriel, CA 91776
A panel presentation (ELARC Supervisors) in English with Mandarin and Cantonese interpretation. (More ...)
CPAD Orange County chapter - Parent Support Meeting
As Leverage for Financial,
Retirement and Eastate Planning
Date: August 15, 2015, Saturday, 2 pm - 4 pm
225 W. Carl Karcher Way,
Anaheim, CA 92801
Parent Mei Yu, a licensed CA insurance agent, will tell us how to use tax-free life insurance as a leverage for financial, retirement and estate planning. For families with special needs children, tax-free life insurance is a good vehicle for funding special needs trusts when the parents pass away. (More ...)
CPAD Corner (July 2015)
05 七月 2015
CPAD Alhambra Headquarter:
Tze Chi Youth Volunteers
CPAD 2015 Volunteers Appreciation - On 6/27/2015, CPAD ended its 2015 Spring Saturday Program with a nice cozy lunch party to appreciate the volunteers for their dedication and support in making CPAD’s Saturday program a success--enabling children, youth and family members to network, socialize and grow in different areas. Please watch for news on our CPAD's Fall Sat. program. Details will be announced in the upcoming September Newsletter. (More...)
CPAD Orange County Chapter:
OC Chapter Unique Cooking Class - On 6/6/15 was an exciting day - Parent Pauline was going to teach us how to make steamed buns at Mimi’s house! Thanks to Pauline, she prepared all the material and equipment needed so we could concentrate on learning. Pauline expertly demonstrated stirring flour mixtures and kneading doughs. Everyone wanted to try his/her hands on. (More...)
CPAD Newsletter (June 2015)
26 六月 2015
CPAD Community Resource Center (CPRC) - Workshop
How Working Affects SSI/SSDI Benefits?
Date: June 18, 2015, Thursday, 10 am - 12 noon
This workshop will help participants learn the basics about howwork can impact receipt of supplemental security income and social security disability insurance. (More ...)
CPAD Orange County chapter - Parent Support Meeting
Living Options
Date: July 18, 2015, Saturday, 2 pm - 4 pm
Ms. Von Thenen of SCDD will give us an informative talk on Living Options in Orange County for children and adults with disabilities. (More ...)
CPAD Corner (June 2015)
26 六月 2015
CPAD Alhambra Headquarter: Mother's Day Celebration - May 3, 2015
2015 CPAD Model Mothers – On 5/3/2015 CPAD elected parents, Mrs. Ai Lam Phuong and Minny Chen as CPAD Model Mothers, they were represent CPAD being recognized at Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Southern California. (More...)
CPAD Orange County Chapter: OC Chapter May 16 Picnic
CPAD Orange County Chapter Picnic at Yorba regional Park, Anaheim, CA - Thanks to many parents who helped in various ways to make this picnic a big success for our families. We’d like to thank Deanna W. in particular for her help in the many aspects of registration, payments, even passing out lunch boxes. (More...)