CPAD Information (August 2018)
21 八月 2018
CPAD Alhambra Saturday Program
Hope everyone had a great summer break! Now it is time to welcome all CPAD families back! The classes will resume in September.
CAPD's program is supported by volunteers and by our major sponsor, the Hakka Foundation. The party is complimentary; therefore, everyone is encouraged to join us.
For this year, CPAD Saturday classes, which will be held on every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, except Holidays or when CPAD holds special event.
For the Fall/Winter session, classes will be held on the following dates:9/8/18, 9/22/18, 10/13/18, 10/27/18, 11/10/18, 1/12/19, 1/26/19 and 2/23/19 (No class in December)
For the Spring session, classes will be held on the following dates:3/9/19, 3/23/19, 4/13/19, 4/27/19, 6/8/19. (No class in May)
CPAD Saturday Program Schedule Contact person: Li Lee626-321-5266 or at 這個 E-mail 地址已經被防止灌水惡意程式保護,您需要啟用 Java Script 才能觀看