OC Chapter
CPAD OC Chapter Activity (October 2013)
30 September 2013
In the month of October, 2013, the OC Chapter of CPAD has two events planned:
10/8/2013, Tuesday Coffee with Mimi - A Parents' Forum
10/19/2013, Saturday Social Security Disability Benefits
Scarlett vonThenen, Area Board XI
CPAD OC Chapter Activity (September 2013)
26 August 2013
In the month of September, 2013, the OC Chapter of CPAD has two events planned:
9/10/2013, Tuesday Coffee with Mimi - A Parents' Forum
9/21/2013, Saturday Happy 5th Birthday to OC Chapter &
Moon Festival Celebration
CPAD OC Chapter Activity (August 2013)
29 July 2013
In the month of August, 2013, the OC Chapter of CPAD has two events planned:
8/13/2013, Tuesday Coffee with Mimi - A Parents' Forum
8/17/2013, Saturday 常常保持‘天天天藍’的心境
CPAD OC Chapter Activity (July 2013)
29 June 2013
In the month of July, 2013, the OC Chapter of CPAD has three events planned:
7/6/2013, Saturday Art Workshop - Josephine Ren
7/9/2013, Tuesday Coffee with Mimi - A Parents' Forum
7/20/2013, Saturday Living Arrangements for Adult Child
CPAD OC Chapter Activity (June 2013)
28 May 2013
In the month of June, 2013, the OC Chapter of CPAD has three events planned:
6/1/2013, Saturday Art Workshop - Josephine Ren
6/11/2013, Tuesday Coffee with Mimi - A Parents' Forum
6/15/2013, Saturday The Affordable Care Act and Its Impact on OC