LA Head Office

Circle Time - Social Interaction Class (January 2012)


From Teacher May Fu,

Happy New Year, parents and students!  I am thankful to have so much support and to have the blessing to get to know each and every one of you.

Please continue to come join us on Saturdays to learn and grow together as a CPAD family!  Since this is our first class in the new year, the theme will focus on Chinese New Year.  I will introduce how different countries celebrate Chinese New Year as a way to expand your child's knowledge of this important holiday!  It'll be great if your children can share some New Year activities they do with their families.  After all,  one of my main goals for this class is to instill the idea of sharing with one another.  They can simply do that by getting comfortable with speaking in front of a group of people and sharing stories without feeling pressured and judged.  So before Saturday, feel free to spend time asking your child what they like about Chinese New Year to get them comfortable speaking on Saturday. 

 - how different countries celebrate Chinese New Year (listening)

 - children sharing/speaking time (speaking, thinking)

 - practice how different countries celebrate it! (socializing)

 - games/activities/food tasting (team work)


Thank you and I look forward to seeing all of you on Saturday!



Saturday Program (November 2011)

From Teacher May Fu,

Since it's November, the main theme for this Saturday will be Thanksgiving.  I was wondering if the children can each bring in a small portion of their favorite food (better if it's something they love to eat for a Thanksgiving dinner) to share with everyone? If not, it's okay.  Just like last time, I highly encourage parents to sit among the children in a big circle.  

We can go around and share what we love doing on Thanksgiving, stories, and give thanks to people we love.  After that, the children can play a Thanksgiving Bingo and many other games I'll prepare for them. Smile  And yes, I'll be happy to stay longer if needed.  If the weather is very cold or rainy, I can have the children do some art/craft (for example, Thanksgiving Turkey or Thanksgiving cards).



Saturday Program (October 2011)


1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Circle time, Social Interaction (Ms. May Fu) (New class)

2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. PE-Basketball (Dr. Jang)

2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Dance/exercise Movement- New class (Ms. Chen) (Base on interest, choose one class between 2:00-3:00pm)

3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Karaoke (Abel Lam/Sharon Lam)

Rainbow Program:

2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Rainbow dance group practice (Ms. Chen)

Location:  First Christian Church of Alhambra
                          220 S. 5th Street,
Alhambra, CA 91801 (Cross Street is Commonwealth)

Li Lee, CPAD Parent/Volunteer (626)-321-5266

Saturday Program (June/2011)

As a friendly reminder, the CPAD Program schedule on this Saturday, 6/25/2011:


1:00 pm-2:00pm    Music/Art Painting (Ms. Su)
2:00 pm-2:30pm    Chess with Mom/Dad (Dr. Jang)
2:30 pm-3:30pm    P.E.-Basketball (Dr. Jang)
3:30 pm-4:00pm    Karaoke time (High School Club Volunteers)

There will be no parent classes. Rainbow dance practice at 2:00 PM.  

All the classes are free of charge, sponsored by generous donors and High School Club volunteers.

Note:  This is the last class of the semester.  The Saturday Program will resume in Fall, September, 2011.


First Christian Church of Alhambra
           220 S. 5th Street,
Alhambra, CA 91801 (Cross Street is Commonwealth)

Li Lee, 
CPAD Parent/Volunteer

Saturday Program Schedule (April/2011)

CPAD Saturday Program schedule on 4/23/2011.


1:00 pm-1:45pm    Choir Group (Ms. Su)
1:45 pm-2:30pm    Art Painting (Ms. Su)
2:30 pm-3:30pm    P.E.-Basketball (Dr. Jang)
3:30 pm-4:00pm    Karaoke time (Abel Lam)

There is no parent classes this Saturday. The Rainbow dance practice on this Saturday at 2:30 pm.  

Location:        First Christian Church of Alhambra
                                  220 S. 5th Street,
              Alhambra, CA 91801  (Cross Street is Commonwealth) 

All the classes are free of charge, sponsored by generous donors and High School Club volunteers. See you all on Saturday, 4/23/2011, 1 pm prompt.

Li Lee,
CPAD Parent/Volunteer