CPAD Information (January 2011)

Partners in Community Inclusion (PICI) at East LA Regional Center (ELARC) will begin its 2011 Parent Meeting Series starting Jan. 11, 2011. These meetings are open to families with young children or teens served by ELARC. Meetings are held in the ELARC boardroom from 9:30-12:00 noon on Jan. 11, Feb. 15, March 15, April 12, May 17, and June 21.

Participants will learn how to develop a long range vision of community inclusion for the children; learn how to develop goals and objectives that support community inclusion and make use of natural supports ......

Schedule and location subject to change without notice.  Contact Mary Hosokawa at (626) 299-4643 for more information!

To view all the Information in this issue, please open the following PDF file:  CPAD Information (January 2011)
