Special Thnaks (August 2012)
20 八月 2012
Special Thanks to CPAD Supporters
Special Thanks to CPAD August 2012 Donors
Special Thanks to CPAD July 22, 2012 Donors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
$500 and under
$300 and bleow
Thank so much to the above donors! CPAD is a non-profit, volunteer organization which depends solely on public donations to finance its ongoing activities. A donation of any amount is always appreciated and your contribution is fully tax deductible. Please send check made payable to “CPAD”, and/or to Chinese Parents Association for the Disabled; mailing address: P.O. Box 2884, San Gabriel, CA 91778. Another way to support CPAD is buying the 99 Tawa Supermarket gift card, CPAD will have 6% refund. Please contact Mrs. Lee at (626) 287-1495 for details. Thank you.