
CPAD OC Chapter Activity (October 2013)


In the month of  October, 2013, the OC Chapter of  CPAD has two events planned: 

10/8/2013, Tuesday  Coffee with Mimi - A Parents' Forum 

Time:  10:30am-2:00pm
New Location: Pho Banh Mi Che Cali (714) 278-0579
1000 South Harbor Blvd., @Costco Center
Fullerton, CA
  (Go north on Harbor from 91 Freeway; next to Lee's Sandwiches)

10/19/2013, Saturday  Social Security Disability Benefits 

Scarlett vonThenen, Area Board XI

Time:  2:00pm-4:00pm
Location: OCAAC
225 W. Carl Karcher Way,
Anaheim, CA

CPAD OC Chapter Activity (September 2013)


In the month of  September, 2013, the OC Chapter of  CPAD has two events planned: 

9/10/2013, Tuesday  Coffee with Mimi - A Parents' Forum 

Time:  10:30am-2:00pm
New Location: Pho Banh Mi Che Cali (714) 278-0579
1000 South Harbor Blvd., @Costco Center
Fullerton, CA
  (Go north on Harbor from 91 Freeway; next to Lee's Sandwiches)

9/21/2013, Saturday  Happy 5th Birthday to OC Chapter &

Moon Festival Celebration

Time:  2:00pm-4:00pm
Location: OCAAC
225 W. Carl Karcher Way,
Anaheim, CA

CPAD OC Chapter Activity (August 2013)


In the month of  August, 2013, the OC Chapter of  CPAD has two events planned: 

8/13/2013, Tuesday  Coffee with Mimi - A Parents' Forum 

Time:  10:30am-2:00pm
New Location: Pho Banh Mi Che Cali (714) 278-0579
1000 South Harbor Blvd., @Costco Center
Fullerton, CA
  (Go north on Harbor from 91 Freeway; next to Lee's Sandwiches)

8/17/2013, Saturday 常常保持‘天天天藍’的心境

Dr. Yih-Jia Chang
(Seminar will be delivered in Chinese)

Time:  2:00pm-4:00pm
Location: OCAAC
225 W. Carl Karcher Way,
Anaheim, CA

CPAD OC Chapter Activity (July 2013)


In the month of  July, 2013, the OC Chapter of  CPAD has three events planned: 


7/6/2013, Saturday  Art Workshop - Josephine Ren

This is the third of three art workshops (5/4, 6/1, 7/6), designed and conducted by Josephine.  Please contact Mimi (714-267-6009) if you missed the previous two but would like to participate in this session.

Time:  2:00pm-3:30pm
Location: OCAAC
225 W. Carl Karcher Way,
Anaheim, CA

7/9/2013, Tuesday  Coffee with Mimi - A Parents' Forum 

Time:  10:30am-2:00pm
New Location: Lee's Sandwichs (714) 525-6089
1028 South Harbor Blvd., @Costco Center
Fullerton, CA
  (Go north on Harbor from 91 Freeway; next to Costco)

7/20/2013, Saturday Living Arrangements for Adult Child 

Joyce Hearn, OCAAC, Family Connections

Time:  2:00pm-4:00pm
Location: OCAAC
225 W. Carl Karcher Way,
Anaheim, CA

CPAD OC Chapter Activity (June 2013)


In the month of  June, 2013, the OC Chapter of  CPAD has three events planned: 


6/1/2013, Saturday  Art Workshop - Josephine Ren

This is the second of three art workshops (5/4, 6/1, 7/6), designed and conducted by Josephine.  Please contact Mimi (714-267-6009) if you missed the previous one but would like to participate in the next two sessions (6/1 & 7/6).

Time:  2:00pm-3:30pm
Location: OCAAC
225 W. Carl Karcher Way,
Anaheim, CA

6/11/2013, Tuesday  Coffee with Mimi - A Parents' Forum 

Time:  10:30am-2:00pm
New Location: Lee's Sandwichs (714) 525-6089
1028 South Harbor Blvd., @Costco Center
Fullerton, CA
  (Go north on Harbor from 91 Freeway; next to Costco)

6/15/2013, Saturday The Affordable Care Act and Its Impact on OC 

Arif Shaikh, CalOptima Legislative Affairs Manager

Time:  2:00pm-4:00pm
Location: OCAAC
225 W. Carl Karcher Way,
Anaheim, CA