
CPAD Saturday Program (September 2013)

CPAD Alhambra Saturday Program

Hope everyone had a great summer break! Now it is time to welcome all CPAD families back!  The classes will resume this Saturday. All the classes are free of charge, sponsored by generous donors.

For this year, CPAD Saturday classes, which will be held on every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, except Holidays or when CPAD holds special event.

For the Fall/Winter session, classes will be held on the following dates:

      9/14/13, 9/28/13, 10/12/12, 10/26/13, 11/9/13, 1/11/14, and 2/22/14 (No class in December)

For the Spring session, classes will be held on the following dates:

          3/8/14, 3/22/14, 4/12/14, 4/26/14, and 6/14/14. (no class in May)

On 9/14/13, this Saturday, we will have four classes:

     From 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm:      Social/Interact (Ms. May Fu)
     From 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm:       Art (Ms. May Fu)
     From 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm:       Karate and/or PE (Dr. Jang)
     From 3:45 pm - 4:30 pm:       Karaoke (Mr. Abel Lam)

All classes will be held at the following location: 

                                               FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH
                                               220 SOUTH FIFTH STREET,
                                                  ALHAMBRA, CA 91801
                                         (the cross street is commonwealth)

See you all on Saturday 9/14/2013 1:00 PM prompt!

Best Regards
Li Lee
CPAD Parent/Volunteer


CPAD Saturday Program (August 2013)

CPAD Alhambra Headquarter - Saturday Program
CPAD Saturday classes will be held on every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, except Holidays or when CPAD holds special event.
For the Fall/Winter session, classes will be held on the following dates:  9/14/13, 9/28/13, 10/12/13, 10/26/13, 11/9/13, 1/11/14, and 2/22/14.
For the Spring session, classes will be held on the following dates:  3/8/14, 3/22/14, 4/12/14, 4/26/14, and 6/14/14.
On each of the above Saturday, we will have four classes:
From 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm:        Social/Interact
From 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm:        Art
From 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm:        PE and/or games
From 3:45 pm - 4:30 pm:        Karaoke
All classes will be held at the following location:
220 South Fifth Street,
Alhambra, Ca 91801
Li Lee (Program Coordinator)

CPAD Alhambra Headquarter - Saturday Program

CPAD Saturday classes will be held on every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, except Holidays or when CPAD holds special event. 

For the Fall/Winter session, classes will be held on the following dates:  9/14/13, 9/28/13, 10/12/13, 10/26/13, 11/9/13, 1/11/14, and 2/22/14. 

For the Spring session, classes will be held on the following dates:  3/8/14, 3/22/14, 4/12/14, 4/26/14, and 6/14/14

On each of the above Saturday, we will have four classes:

       From 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm:        Social/Interact
       From 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm:        Art
       From 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm:        PE and/or games
       From 3:45 pm - 4:30 pm:        Karaoke

All classes will be held at the following location: 

              220 South Fifth Street,       
               Alhambra, Ca 91801  

Li Lee (Program Coordinator)

CPAD Saturday Program (June 2013)


Dear All,

We will meet for the last time this Saturday, 6/8/13, for the Spring session’s classes, and we plan to have a small party to celebrate our accomplishments.  Due to this special event, our schedule for this Saturday will be revised slightly:

Kids:  1:00 pm - 2:00pm Interaction/Talent Show (Ms. May Fu/Tzu Shao)
  2:00 pm - 3:30pm Dominoes contest ( Dr. Jang)
  3:30 pm - 4:00pm Volunteers recognition/award party 

All classes are sponsored by generous donors; they are free of charge, you are all welcome to join us. Should you miss it, I wish you a great summer!

Note: We will be holding our Dominoes contest.  The prizes are all in cash.  They are:  

Students group:    Top 3 winners.
Volunteers group:  Top 2 winners.
Parents group:      Top 2 winners.  

Players of all level are welcome to participate.  Our goal is for all parents and kids to kick start a great summer.

We already have a number of kids signed up for this event, therefore, if you are interested but have not done so, please reply to this email or contact me at (626) 321-5266.

After the tournament, we will hold a party to award all participants.  So please come and join us for the fun and celebrate!See you all on Saturday 6/8/2013 at 1:00 PM prompt. 

(Cross Street is Commonwealth)

Li H Lee,
CPAD Parent Volunteer


CPAD 2013 Saturday Program Information


Dear CPAD parents:

In the past ten years, Tzu Chi Academy has organized Mother's Day and Year End Celebration Party for CPAD. This year, Tzu Chi Youth (Tzu Chi Junior volunteers) also joined the rank of services for the CPAD Saturday activity classes. Tzu Chi Youth will interact with CPAD to learn to care for disadvantaged groups; they would have a better understanding of the needs of our children, and thus provide further assistance.

Another announcement is: Dr Jin will open a new class on Saturday, teaching CPAD children, with different level of disability, to learn to play dominoes (骨牌). This game will inspire children in numbers and cognitive of pairing, and help them to focus, and thinking.

We are looking forward to have parents taking the time to make arrangement for your child to participate this new class, and experience the teamwork, so that they can grow more mature, and  more confident.

Li Lee,
Parent Coordinator

CPAD 阿罕布拉總部 - (2012 - 2013) 學年度星期六課程表

我希望大家有一個快樂的暑假!現在是歡迎所有CPAD家庭回到課堂的時候!星期六課程在 9/22/12, 星期六, 開課。所有的課都是免費的,由慷慨的捐助者贊助。


                CPAD 阿罕布拉總部 - 星期六課程表

星期六的課程, 將在每月的第二個和第四個星期六舉行,除了節慶假日或CPAD舉辦特殊的活動。 

秋季/冬季班的上課日期如下:9/22/12, 10/13/12, 10/27/12, 11/10/12, 1/12/13, 和 2/23/13

春季班的上課日期如下:3/9/13, 3/23/13, 4/13/13, 4/27/13, 5/25/13, 和 6/8/13


下午1:00 - 下午2:00       社交/互動
下午1:30 - 下午2:30       藝術
下午2:30 - 下午3:30       體育和/或籃球
下午3:45 - 下午4:30       卡拉OK

所有課程在下列地點舉行: ice cream green background

   220 South Fifth Street,  
    Alhambra, Ca 91801 

Li Lee (課堂協調員 - 626-321-5266)